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What is a Parent Teachers Friends Association (PTFA)?
Most schools have a Parent Teacher Friends Association (PTFA), which is an organisation of parents, staff and associated people such as grandparents etc. Its role is to encourage closer links between home and school. PTFA's are best known for their fundraising work. These fundraising events provide an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together and raise money for Forton Primary School. 

How is the PTFA organised?
At most schools all parents/carers and staff are automatically members of the PTFA.
PTFA's hold their annual general meetings during the school year. At this meeting a committee is elected to run the PTFA – usually consisting of a chair, a vice-chair, a treasurer, a secretary and ordinary committee members. 

How is money raised?
Most PTFA's raise money through events. Previous events have included film nights, Halloween disco, 4.8K Fun Run, Summer BBQ and many more!  PTFA’s are always looking for new fundraising ideas and anyone can submit them. 

How is money spent?
Funds raised by the PTFA are intended to provide ‘extras’ not already provided by the school's main income – often 'fun things' that make learning more interesting and exciting. The PTFA committee decide how to spend PTFA funds following requests from the school. 

How can I be involved in my PTFA?
There are many different ways you can help with the PTA, whether you have lots of time to offer or not. Some of the roles are time-consuming, although also rewarding. If you can’t commit to a big job, look out for things you can do less frequently (e.g running a stall at the summer fair, baking for a cake sale) or donating prizes for school competitions, raffles etc).

And you can always support PTA events by simply turning up.


FOFS COMMITTEE 2024 - 2025

Chair - Rachel Gornall

Vice Chair - Carla Wilson

Secretary - Sarah Vaughan

Treasurer - Emma Dean